楼主: huanghaijun


 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-12 03:41:27 | 显示全部楼层


看了上面的留言, 为大家的较真劲感动, 觉得有必要再加几句:
Boyce与Gao均是我好友, 与Boyce有过四次见面,最近一次在Maryland的16th-ISTTT上. Boyce的主要研究方向其实不是DTA问题, 研究DTA的是他的学生Ran Bin. Boyce主要研究组合模型, 这方面的贡献很大.
Ran & Boyce的书主要使用optimal control theory研究确定性的DTA和logit-based Stochastic DTA模型, 第二版也使用了VI来表达DTA, 第一版的模型都是reactive均衡,不是predictive均衡, 第二版研究了predictive DTA均衡. 请见我2002年在TR-B上的论文, 对此进行了评述.
Gao的书当然要继承部分前人的成果, 这是必须的. Gao的书从结构和内容上都与Ran的书不同, 对于网络, Gao主要使用数学规划, optimal control theory和VI, 这自然是所有人都要使用的. 后书与前书相比,不同的研究内容主要有: 包含了出发时间选择,明确考虑了路段能力约束,动态公交分配问题, 用元胞传输模型研究DTA, 引入道路流模型, 考虑需求弹性, 在DTA框架下研究ATIS. 有了这些差别,足够了.
发表于 2005-9-27 23:11:08 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-9-29 22:23:37 | 显示全部楼层


对于Ran & Boyce以及高和任的书,我是认认真真研读过的(我也是高教授的学生),可以说这两者的差别极大,简单对比来说有以下几点:
一、诚如上面黄海军教授所言,“Ran & Boyce的书主要使用optimal control theory研究确定性的DTA和logit-based Stochastic DTA模型, 第二版也使用了VI来表达DTA, 第一版的模型都是reactive均衡,不是predictive均衡, 第二版研究了predictive DTA均衡。”而为了更加系统地介绍整个DTA的发展历程,高和任的书又添加了数学规划研究DTA方面的知识,更何况在VI的算法方面,则比Ran & Boyce的书更加深入、广泛。
二、更为重要的是,高和任的书重点介绍了(用了三个章节)如何将现有的道路交通流模型与DTA结合的模型及求解算法,这是Ran & Boyce的书上所没有的。我认为这也是高和任书的最大创新之处,也是近年来此领域专家一直提倡的一种新思路。
三、从内容上讲,高和任书与Ran & Boyce书也有明显的不同之处
(1)DUO的定义有所不同,高和任的书中认为,出行者在某个决策节点实际上只关心他从这个节点到终点怎么走,而不会再考虑自己是从哪个出发点来的,因此, DUO条件是针对终点而言的,这一点是与Ran & Boyce书中的DUO条件有所不同,应该说更加符合实际出行者的决策情况。
(2)更加深入地探讨了FIFO成立的各种条件,给出了统一的公式用来描述路段流出率与流入率之间的关系,更加方便了DUO模型的建立,这是与Ran & Boyce书的不同之处。
(3)在分析所给VI模型与DUO条件之间的等价关系时,高和任的书使用了一种全新的证明方法,简单易懂,逻辑性强,思路严谨,这是一个很重要的与Ran & Boyce书不同的地方。
(4)考虑了有路段能力限制情况下的DUO模型,也给出了一种全新的证明方法,这是Ran & Boyce书及其它书籍所没有的。
(5)正如黄教授所言,高和任的书还在DTA框架下研究了ATIS,将基本DUO模型应用在确定ATIS市场占有率中,使该书内容更加广泛和全面,这是Ran & Boyce的书中所没有提到的。
(6)另外,高和任的书还将这种DUO模型应用到了动态公交网络设计中,在所构造的双层规划模型中,下层就是一个公交配流的DUO模型,这也是Ran & Boyce的书所没有的。
(7)高和任的书用两章内容介绍了弹性需求和非弹性需求条件下的基于CTM模型的DUO配流问题,将道路交通流模型引入到DTA理论中,以期在进行宏观交通网络配流的同时更准确的描述交通流的微观动态特性。这也是近年来此领域专家一直提倡的一种新思路,这是Ran & Boyce的书没有涉及到的。
(8)高和任的书中借助于道路交通流中的Greenshields模型,建立了基于Greenshields速-密关系模型的DUO配流问题,这也是作者为动态网络交通配流模型与宏观道路交通流模型结合所做的一个尝试,当然也是Ran & Boyce的书所没有的。
从以上可以看出,楼上Professor根本没有仔细阅读过Ran & Boyce及高和任的书,竟然妄加评论,实属不该,有损本论坛严谨的的风格。
事实上,相信仔细研读过高和任的书的同仁,均会赞同黄教授所言,高和任的书从结构和内容上都与Ran & Boyce的书不同,该书确为值得推荐同仁研读的专著,而不是个别人所说的“只为评职称或其他的名利为目的”所出的译著。
发表于 2005-9-30 10:33:36 | 显示全部楼层


问一下 andsimple ,predictive DTA指的是预测O-D需求吗?精度能达到多少?
发表于 2005-10-3 23:32:56 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-4 14:55:43 | 显示全部楼层


DTA有reactive和preditive之分. 前者是个人只就当前瞬时的交通状况做出对自己最有利的抉择,所以,到达目的地后, 可能发现自己从origin出发的整个路径不是最好的,即有可能与他同一origin和同一时刻出发的别人的路径成本比他还小! 后者是长期选择的结果, 同一origin和同一时刻的所有人,都应该有相同的成本. 一般讲,后者的研究难度大些. 前者是即时反映,即时最优的结果, 后者的决策带有predictive性质,是长期经验积累的结果, 这就是名字的来由.
实际问题中有大量的超车,违反了FIFO. 问题是如果允许违背FIFO,就没法建立数学模型,没法开展研究,因为超车是偶然的,在超车的人与不超车的人之间,没法用均衡性质度量. 所以,允许超车的网络交通研究,都是用模拟进行的,没法用公平公正的解析模型. 此外, 不能把超车视为长期的交通行为,它毕竟是非正常的临时动作.
用于DTA研究的动态OD, 目前小规模的可以多种办法得到,但大城市的很难得到. 此外, 有一种DTA模型包括了出发时间选择,所以就不需要给定时变的OD矩阵. 研究DTA的目的,不在于结果的精度,更大的科学价值是真正弄懂动态抉择的机理, 对大趋势有一个正确的认识. 只要计算结果对决策参数能够正确地敏感变化就行,我们做交通规划与管理最紧要的也是找到流量分布对参数调整的变化规律. 参数A为4, 结果B为100, 参数A变为4.2, 结果B变为103, 这里, 参数A增加0.2, 结果B增加3的结论最重要, 至于参数A为4时,结果B为100的精度有多大不很重要. 因为,只要模型机里正确, 若参数A为4, 结果B为110, 参数A变为4.2, 结果B就应该变为113左右, 最后的结论还是参数A增加0.2时结果B增加3.
以上匆匆, 不全面之处,一起讨论.

发表于 2005-10-4 16:51:56 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-5 16:07:34 | 显示全部楼层


ITSLU, 你讲的实际是reactive DUO. 只要由检测器帮助计算出的瞬时路段行程时间足够满意, 你的方案就可行. 理论上,该方案对于设计动态路径诱导系统是完美的. 但注意, 瞬时给每一辆车提供的最短路径, 只是当时最短的, 一天下来, 这样分配路径的结果于系统来说可能不是最好, 于个人来说也不是均衡的. 但任何系统都有自己的优缺点, DSO与DUO与DUE是不可能兼顾的. 你的方案是接近目前实际的个人行为的.
小缺陷: 1. 所有的路段都必须装检测器; 2. 检测器算出的路段行程时间即便可以很精确,但仍然不会完全等于某辆处于路段入口处将来实际行驶下来后真正所用的时间. 小偏差避免不了, 因为没有发生的事情就说不准.
发表于 2005-10-5 18:38:03 | 显示全部楼层


1.正如18楼所说的,高老师书中的DUO模型是考虑当前决策点到目的地的最优路段,而Ran&Boyce的模型是考虑起始点到当前决策点之间的路径最优,因此高老师书中的模型是Reactive DUO,而Ran书中的模型是Predictive DUO。而Reactive DUO这种方式,不论是构建DTA模型还是基于检测器计算路段行程时间,正如黄老师说的“一天下来它的结果于系统来说不是最优的,于用户来说也不是均衡的。”是不是说Reactive DUO这种方法天生就有缺陷啊。
3.黄老师能介绍一下Predictive DTA模型的发展概况吗,多谢!
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-5 20:44:53 | 显示全部楼层


这个话题可能太耗时. 简言之, 如果达到了DUE, 则, 同一OD之间同时出发的人应该同时到达目的地. 而DUO可以不这样, DSO更不这样.
Dynamic traffic assignment models which have important applications in being rapidly developed advanced traveler information systems and advanced traffic management systems, can be classified into two categories: the reactive assignment model and the predictive assignment model. The reactive assignment model assumes that each traveler chooses the shortest route to his destination according to present instantaneous traffic condition. As a result of the time-varying traffic condition, travelers between the same origin-destination (OD) pair departing at the same time may arrive at the destination differently if different routes have been chosen. The models proposed by Wie et al. (1990), Boyce et al. (1993), Lam and Huang (1995), Ran et al. (1993) and Kuwahara and Akamatsu (1997) can be classified as this category. In contrast, the predictive assignment model considers the impact of future traffic condition on route choice behavior, i.e., the shortest route is determined based on the actually experienced travel time or cost by a traveler leaving from a particular location at certain time. The models proposed by Bernstein et al. (1993), Friesz et al. (1993), Kuwahara and Akamatsu (1993), Smith (1993), Heydecker and Addison (1996), Smith and Wisten (1995), Wie et al. (1995), Ran and Boyce (1996), Chen and Hsueh (1998) can be put in this category.
Most of the predictive assignment models aim to satisfy the dynamic user-equilibrium (UE) condition which requires that at equilibrium, the actual travel time or cost experienced by travelers between the same OD pair departing at the same time is equal and minimal. In other words, if such an equilibrium state has arisen today, then there is no incentive for any route-inflow to change tomorrow. This definition about equilibrium can also be used in departure time choice, as well as simultaneous route and departure (SRD) time choices (Bernstein et al., 1993; Friesz et al., 1993; Wie et al., 1995).  However, the predictive assignment problem is much more difficult than that of the reactive assignment due to the burdensome computational requirements and vague property of the actual route travel time (or cost) in general networks. Modeling and solving the dynamic SRD equilibrium problems become challenging from both theoretical and practical viewpoints.
Janson and Robles (1993) formulated a link-based bi-level program for dynamic user-equilibrium assignment in which departure times are affected by arrival time costs. Lam et al. (1999) also proposed a time-dependent assignment model for logit-based departure time and user-equilibrium route choices. However, for various reasons these models adopted much longer time intervals, for instance, ten or fifteen minutes in Janson and Robles (1993, 1995) and one hour in Lam et al. (1999), than other discrete-time dynamic assignment models that are generally regarded as their continuous-time counterparts. So, these models may be more applicable for long-term transportation planning, rather than instantaneous traffic analysis.
The approach of variational inequalities has been demonstrated to be quite useful for modeling the dynamic SRD equilibrium problem. Friesz et al. (1993) was the first to offer an infinite-dimensional variational inequality (VI) formulation for this problem. Wie et al. (1995) extended the model to a discrete-time dimension and presented a heuristic algorithm for obtaining an approximate solution. They employed a non-linear link exit function to describe the physical phenomenon of traffic congestion. This yields some difficulties in precisely computing the actual link travel times which is necessary for preserving the first-in-first-out queue discipline and correctly modeling the vehicle dynamics (or flow propagation).
Arnott, R., de Palma, A. and Lindsey, R. (1990) Departure time and route choice for the morning commute. Transportation Research-B 24, 209-228.
Bernstein, D., Friesz, T. L., Tobin, R. L. and Wie, B. W. (1993) A variational control formulation of the simultaneous route and departure-time choice equilibrium problem. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ed. C. F. Daganzo, pp. 107-126, Berkeley. Elsevier, NY.
Boyce, D. E., Ran, B. and Leblanc, L. J. (1993) Solving an instantaneous dynamic user-optimal route choice model. Transportation Science 29, 128-142.
Chen, H.-K. and Hsueh, C.-F. (1998) A model and an algorithm for the dynamic user-optimal route choice problem. Transportation Research-B 32, 219-234.
Cybis, H. B. B. (1995) A dynamic user equilibrium assignment model. In Urban Traffic Networks: Dynamic Flow Modeling and Control, eds. N. H. Gartner and G. Improta, pp. 233-250, Capri. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Daganzo, C. F. (1998) Queue spillovers in transportation networks with a route choice. Transportation Science 32, 3-11.
Friesz, T. L., Bernstein, D. H., Smith, T. E., Tobin, R. L. and Wie, B. W. (1993) A variational inequality formulation of the dynamic network user equilibrium problem. Operations Research 41, 179-191.
Heydecker, B. G. and Addison, J. D. (1996) An exact expression of dynamic traffic assignment. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ed. C. F. Daganzo, pp. 359-383, Lyon. Elsevier, Oxford.
Janson, B. N. (1991) Dynamic traffic assignment for urban road networks. Transportation Research-B 25, 143-161.
Janson, B. N. and Robles, J. (1993) Dynamic traffic assignment with arrival time costs. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ed. C. F. Daganzo, pp. 127-146, Berkeley. Elsevier, NY.
Janson, B. N. and Robles, J. (1995) Quasi-continuous dynamic traffic assignment model. Transportation Research Record 1493, 199-206.
Kuwahara, M. and Akamatsu, T. (1993) Dynamic equilibrium assignment with queues for a one-to-many OD pattern. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ed. C. F. Daganzo, pp. 185-204, Berkeley. Elsevier, NY.
Kuwahara, M. and Akamatsu, T. (1997) Decomposition of the reactive dynamic assignment with queues for a many-to-many origin-destination pattern. Transportation Research-B 31, 1-10.
Lam, W. H. K. and Huang, H.-J. (1995) Dynamic user optimal traffic assignment model for many to one travel demand. Transportation Research-B 29, 243-260.
Lam, W. H. K. and Huang, H.-J. (2000) A combined activity/travel choice model for congested road networks with queues. Presented in the 9th Conference of International Association for Travel Behavior Research, July 2000, Australia.
Lam, W. H. K., Zhang, Y. and Yin, Y. (1999) A time-dependent model for departure time and route choices in networks with queues. Transportation Research Record 1667, 33-41.
Nagurney, A. and Zhang, D. (1997a) Projected dynamic systems in the formulation, stability analysis, and computation of fixed-demand traffic network equilibria. Transportation Science 31, 147-158.
Nagurney, A. and Zhang, D. (1997b) Projected Dynamical Systems and Variational Inequalities with Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
Nagurney, A. and Zhang, D. (1998) Introduction to projected dynamical systems for traffic network equilibrium problems. In Network Infrastructure and the Urban Environment: Advances in Spatial Systems Modelling, eds. L. Lundqvist, L.-G. Mattsson and T. J. Kim, pp. 125-156. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Ran, B., Boyce, D. E. and Leblanc, L. J. (1993) A new class of instantaneous dynamic user-optimal traffic assignment models. Operations Research 41, 192-202.
Ran, B. and Boyce, D. E. (1996) Modeling Dynamic Transportation Networks: An Intelligent Transportation Systems Oriented Approach. The 2nd revised edition. Springer-Verlag, NY.
Small, K. A. (1982) The scheduling of consumer activities: Work trips. American Economic Review 72, 467-479.
Smith, M. J. (1979) The existence, uniqueness and stability of traffic equilibria. Transportation Research-B 13, 295-304.
Smith, M. J. and Ghali, M. (1990a) The dynamics of traffic assignment and traffic control: A theoretical study. Transportation Research-B 24, 409-422.
Smith, M. J. and Ghali, M. (1990b) Dynamic traffic assignment and dynamic traffic control. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ed. M. Koshi, pp. 273-290, Yokohama, Japan. Elsevier, NY.
Smith, M. J. (1993) A new dynamic traffic model and the existence and calculation of dynamic user equilibrium on congested capacity-constrained road networks. Transportation Research-B 27, 49-63.
Smith, M. J. and Wisten, M. B. (1995) A continuous day-to-day traffic assignment model and the existence of a continuous dynamic user equilibrium. Annals of Operations Research 60, 59-79.
Wie, B. W., Friesz, T. L. and Tobin, R. L. (1990) Dynamic user optimal traffic assignment on congested multi-destination networks. Transportation Research-B 24, 431-442.
Wie, B. W., Tobin, R. L., Friesz, T. L. and Bernstein, D. H. (1995) A discrete time, nested cost operator approach to the dynamic network user equilibrium. Transpoeration Science 29, 79-92.
Zhang, D. and Nagurney, A. (1996) On the local and global stability of a travel route choice adjustment process. Transportation Research-B 30, 245-262.
发表于 2005-10-5 23:08:32 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-6 10:53:38 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-6 11:13:26 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-6 13:02:58 | 显示全部楼层


VICS提供的交通信息有 1.道路拥挤情况信息,2.到目的地为止的最短所需时间和路径诱导,3.事故.工事进行路段信息,4.道路速度限制.车道构成信息,5.停车场位置信息,6.停车场的空位信息。
发表于 2005-10-6 16:57:31 | 显示全部楼层


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