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OpenFOAM workshop 2021, Dublin

发表于 2020-9-12 13:48:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The 16th OpenFOAM Workshop will be held in University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland from Monday 7th June to Friday 11th June 2021.

The OpenFOAM Workshop international conference brings together users, developers and researchers from both academia and industry to advance the theory and practice of OpenFOAM and related techniques. This unique community-driven event is an ideal opportunity for participants to establish and foster collaborations and present on recent trends in the area. Traditional oral presentations are combined with poster sessions, splash talks, and training from community experts in a friendly atmosphere.

On behalf of the OpenFOAM Workshop Committee, I look forward to welcoming you to Dublin!

Philip Cardiff
Conference Chair


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