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使用size function后划分体网格出现错误该怎么办?

发表于 2004-9-7 12:51:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我在做一个转轮的网格划分,想在叶片表面进行网格加密,使用size function中proximity类型,其他参数设置为cells/gaps:8;growth rate:1.5;distance:200;limit size:80.source entities 选择叶片表面,attachment entities选择转轮体。我试好几组参数都出现下面的错误提示,大家帮我分析一下是什么原因,怎么解决?
“Initialization failed; perturb boundary nodes and try again.

Initialization failed to mesh 20 nodes.
ERROR: TG_Mesh_Domain failed with error code 1.
ERROR: Tetrahedral meshing has failed for volume volume.2.
This is usually caused by problems in the face meshes.
Check the skewnesses of your face meshes and make sure
the face mesh sizes are not too large in areas of small gaps.”
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