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程序The explicit heat-flow equation

发表于 2003-6-9 06:56:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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# Explicit heat-flow equation
real q(12), qp(12)
nx = 12
do ia= 1, 2 {# stable and unstable cases
alpha = ia*.3333;write(6,'(/"alpha =",f5.2)') alpha
do ix= 1,6  { q(ix) = 0.}# Initial temperature step
do ix= 7,12 { q(ix) = 1.}
do it= 1, 6 {
write(6,'(20f6.2)') (q(ix),ix=1,nx)
do ix= 2, nx-1
qp(ix) = q(ix) + alpha*(q(ix-1)-2.*q(ix)+q(ix+1))
qp(1) = qp(2);qp(nx) = qp(nx-1)
do ix= 1, nx
q(ix) = qp(ix)
call exit(0);end
 楼主| 发表于 2003-6-9 06:57:30 | 显示全部楼层

程序The explicit heat-flow equation

The heat-flow equation controls the diffusion of heat. This equation is a prototype for migration. The 15 migration equation is the same equation but the heat conductivity constant is imaginary. (The migration equation is really the Schroedinger equation, which controls the diffusion of probability of atomic particles).  
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