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3.18.4 Data Sections
The following sections store iterations, residuals, and data field values.
Grid Size

Index: 33
Scheme symbol: xf-grid-size
Status: optional
This section indicates the number of cells, faces, and nodes in the grid that corresponds to the data in the file. This information is used to check that the data and grid match. The format is
      (33 (n-elements n-faces n-nodes))
where the integers are written in decimal.
Data Field

Index: 300
Scheme symbol: xf-rf-seg-data
Status: required
This section lists a flow field solution variable for a cell or face zone. The data are stored in the same order as the cells or faces in the case file. Separate sections are written out for each variable for each face or cell zone on which the variable is stored. The format is
      (300 (sub-section-id zone-id size n-time-levels
        n-phases first-id last-id)
      ( data for cell or face with id = first-id
        data-for-cell-or-face with id = first-id+1
        data-for-cell-or-face with id = last-id
where sub-section-id is a (decimal) integer that identifies the variable field (e.g., 1 for pressure, 2 for velocity). The complete list of these is available in the header file ( xfile.h), which is located in the following directory in your installation area:
zone-id is the ID number of the cell or face zone and matches the ID used in case file. size denotes the length of the variable vector (1 for a scalar, 2 or 3 for a vector, equal to the number of species for variables defined for each species). n-time-levels and n-phases currently are not used.
A sample data file section for the velocity field in a cell zone for a steady-state, single-phase, 2D problem is shown below:
(300 (2 16 2 0 0 17 100)
(8.08462024e-01  8.11823010e-02
8.78750622e-01  3.15509699e-02
1.06139672e+00 -3.74040119e-02
1.33301604e+00 -5.04243895e-02
6.21703446e-01 -2.46118382e-02
4.41687912e-01 -1.27046436e-01
1.03528820e-01 -1.01711005e-01
The variables that are listed in the data file depend on the models active at the time the file is written. Variables that are required by the solver based on the current model settings but are missing from the data file are set to their default values when the data file is read. Any extra variables that are present in the data file but are not relevant according to current model settings are ignored.

Index: 301
Scheme symbol: xf-rf-seg-residuals
Status: optional
This section lists the values of the residuals for a particular data field variable at each iteration:
      (301 (n residual-subsection-id size)(
where n is the number of residuals and size is the length of the variable vector (1 for a scalar, 2 or 3 for a vector, equal to the number of species for variables defined for each species). The residual-subsection-id is an integer (decimal) indicating the equation for which the residual is stored in the section, according to the C constants defined in a header file ( xfile.h) available in your installation area, as noted in Section  3.18.2.
The equations for which residuals are listed in the data file depend on the models active at the time the file is written. If the residual history is missing from the data file for a currently active equation, it is initialized with zeros.
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