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CHEMKIN 4.1 - Early Access Program

发表于 2006-3-7 20:51:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Dear Colleague,

CHEMKIN 4.1  Early Access program

If you rely on an understanding of complex chemical phenomena in your work, you now have the chance to gain new insight through the use of a brand new version of CHEMKIN®.

CHEMKIN is a powerful set of software tools for solving problems related to chemistry and reacting flows, from nano-scale research to macro-scale equipment design. CHEMKIN allows users to predict the reacting flow conditions or chemical behavior of their system based on operating conditions and form factors. For chemically intensive systems, understanding the detailed kinetics affecting development time and costs is a head start to achieving the appropriate yield without unwanted byproducts.

Hundreds of research groups around the world, including automotive companies, turbine manufactures, microelectronics companies, and national research laboratories, rely on CHEMKIN for simulation of their chemistry systems, making it the de facto standard for the industry.

Now is your chance to gain early access to the latest version of this powerful tool  CHEMKIN 4.1.

Reaction Design is currently accepting applications for early access to this release under an Early Access program. In exchange for Beta testing this release, you will be among the first to experience the competitive advantages of using CHEMKIN 4.1.

Major New Modules in CHEMKIN 4.1:

A new Parameter Study Facility is now available for use with all reactor models for both steady-state and transient simulations. This new capability allows easy automation of multiple runs to consider the effects of varying an input variable. This provides an easy way to specify runs with one or more parameters varying, using minimum/maximum/increment or using minimum/maximum/number-of-points convention.

An all new Graphical Post-Processor builds upon the intuitive GUI of CHEMKIN, to let you see dramatic new results from your data. New, 3D plots allow you to see a whole new dimension on your data.

The Particle Tracking Module (Optional) tracks particle growth and size distributions, such as the growth of soot particles in a combustor. It is available for use with Closed Homogeneous Reactors, PSRs, PFRs, and Shear-Flow Reactors operating in stead-state or transient regimes. This module can be utilized for processes such as optimizing production of carbon black, minimizing production of undesired soot, or controlling the size of nanoparticles created in materials processing.

Other enhancements, include a new surface reaction-rate formulation options, new gas-phase options, enhanced Shear-Flow and Plug-Flow reactors, and much more.

To find out how you can participate in this Early Access Program, please contact

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发表于 2006-3-21 08:48:19 | 显示全部楼层

CHEMKIN 4.1 - Early Access Program

thank you!!!
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