coolboy 发表于 2013-3-7 01:03:51

Things you had better know (英文灌水,转载)

13 Things Your TV Weatherman Won’t Tell You

Here's a prediction: You'll get more accurate insight from your five-day forecast with these secrets from local weather reporters.

By Michelle Crouch from Reader's Digest Magazine | July/August 2012

1. In many cases, the meteorologist is the highest-paid person on the broadcast, because weather is one of the top reasons why people watch local news.

That's probably why the stations with the best weather people usually have the best ratings.

2. Looks do matter when it comes to TV weather.

I've been told to trim my eyebrows and wear more makeup. (Yes, men and women both wear makeup on TV—lots of it!)

3. Bad weather is good for ratings. Really good.

When there's a big storm coming, some TV stations will get three or four times as many people watching as normal. Our news directors love it.

4. The hurricane season forecasts that come out every year predicting the year's storm activity are almost always wrong.

Even I was surprised when I realized how inaccurate they are.

5. Once you're under a severe weather "warning," assume it's going to happen.

Unlike a "watch," a National Weather Service warning means the dangerous weather likely already exists, and you should take action immediately.

6. There's no legal definition of a meteorologist, so anybody can call him- or herself one and get away with it.

Try to get your weather from someone certified by the American Meteorological Society—it just takes a quick Google search.

7. We're not very good at predicting summer showers and thunderstorms, because they're so small.

It can be sunny all day a mile away from you, but you get the rain.

8. The dew point—not the relative humidity—is the best measure of how humid it feels outside.

When it’s raining, for example, you can have 100 percent humidity, but it may not feel sticky. Yet anytime the dew point is over 65 degrees, it will feel humid. And if it’s at 75, that means it’s very wet out there.

9. Summer forecasting is a breeze compared with winter reporting.

The toughest question: Is it going to snow? Unlike warm weather predictions, if I’m off by one degree in the winter, it can mean the difference between rain, snow, and sleet.

10. Partly sunny is actually more gray than partly cloudy.

Here's the scale from least to most sunny: cloudy, mostly cloudy or partly sunny, partly cloudy or mostly sunny, and then sunny or clear

11. Don't take a shower during a thunderstorm.

You can get struck by lightning due to metal plumbing, which conducts electricity.

12. Our long-range forecasts aren't very accurate.

We're quite good at one to three days out and decent five to seven days out.

13. Watch out for phrases like "Shocking forecasts to come" before commercial breaks

We use the hype to get your attention.

coolboy 发表于 2013-3-7 01:04:47

Average couple spends $26,989 on wedding; many break budget

By Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY

This summer wedding season, a new song could rival Laura Nyro's bride-yearning classic Wedding Bell Blues.

Call it Wedding Bill Blues.

Even with a slight drop in "I Do" spending during recent tough economic years, many couples are beguiled beyond their budgets.

The average couple has a $26,989 wedding, according to Brides magazine. Even though that's down from a peak of $28,082 in pre-recession 2008, nearly one-third of all brides still bust their budgets, Brides says.

Couples are victimized by their own fantasies, cajoled by media visions of celebrity nuptials, and pressured by friends, family, even strangers posting idyllic photos on Pinterest.


coolboy 发表于 2013-3-7 01:05:11

Cop tucks $100 bill into broke driver’s ticket [雷锋精神永放光彩]

By Stephen C. Webster
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 13:43 EST

An anonymous police officer in Plano, Texas made the local news Tuesday night when a driver reported a random gift of $100 he said was tucked into a ticket for an expired registration sticker.

Hayden Carlo told CBS affiliate KTVT-TV in Dallas that when he was stopped in Plano, he told an officer that he hadn’t updated his registration because he was struggling to feed his kids.

When Carlo opened the ticket, however, there was a $100 bill inside. He didn’t initially report it, but upon hearing about the incredible generosity, Carlo’s grandfather wrote a letter to the department saying how grateful they both were.

Carlo reportedly used the money to update the registration on his car and his wife’s car.

It’s not clear how much his ticket was for, but Texas courts will usually dismiss such tickets for a small fee if the registration is updated right away. Otherwise, driving with an expired registration in Texas could cost up to $200.


Cop wraps $100 inside traffic ticket & wishes to remain anon; Public Information Officer David Tilley: ' just something that he was inspired to do'

December 13th, 2012
07:51 AM ET

Being pulled over and handed a ticket by a police officer isn’t usually a pleasant exchange. But for one driver, it was. A police offer showed Hayden Carlo a random act of kindness after Carlo said he didn't have the money for his car's registration. The officer handed him a citation for the expired registration sticker, with a $100 bill wrapped inside it. The officer wishes to remain anonymous, but his Plano, Texas Department is speaking out for him today. Public Information Officer David Tilley joins “Early Start” live from Dallas this morning.

The officer was inspired to help Carlo because "the young man, told him, basically it was either register his car or put food on his family," Tilley says. But this type of act is not uncommon, "not only in our department, but in law enforcement. It's just that you never really hear about these acts," Tilley adds.

Regarding the officer who helped Carlo, Tilley says he doesn't "know as far as how often he's done this in the past. I know this individual personally. He is a very, very upstanding, not only officer, but human being," Tilley says. "This is just something that he was inspired to do."

coolboy 发表于 2013-3-7 01:05:36

The penny drops

The case against small bits of metal
Mar 2nd 2013 | WASHINGTON, DC

MOST people would not pay two cents for something worth one. But America’s government spent $116m last year doing just that. The money-losing purchase was money itself: the penny, which has cost more than a cent to produce since 2006, due mainly to the price of zinc, the coin’s primary ingredient.

Steel is not much better, as Canada has learned. The government there recently ditched its steel-based penny. American politicians, while loth to take lessons from their northern neighbours, may have noticed. In an online forum on February 14th Barack Obama intimated that the penny was no longer change he believes in.

Fifty years ago a handful of pennies would buy a hamburger at McDonald’s, but inflation means the coin won’t even get you one French fry today. Relegated to jars and lost behind cushions, the penny is failing to perform its primary function: to facilitate commerce. Vending machines and parking meters don’t accept it. Penny scourges note that fiddling with them adds some two seconds to each transaction, costing the economy many millions of dollars a year.

Penny lovers and zinc-industry lobbyists counter that the coin’s demise would cost consumers, as merchants would round prices up to the nearest nickel. Some economists disagree, suggesting that shop keepers might in fact round down in order to avoid moving from a price of, say, $9.99 to $10. Americans anyway seem willing to accept a fee for penny removal, as evidenced by the self-imposed cost of leaving them idle and the success of coin-counting machines, which take a cut when turning them into bills.

Other countries have eliminated low-value coins with less-than-dire results, and indeed, so has America. In 1857 it ditched the half-cent, then worth nearly as much in real terms as today’s dime. This has led some to suggest killing the nickel, which costs about ten cents to make, as well as the penny.

Congress has not authorised coin culling as yet, so the Mint is studying ways to make pennies more cheaply. Mr Obama, meanwhile, is finding value in the penny’s symbolism. “One of the things you see chronically in government is it’s very hard to get rid of things that don’t work so that we can then invest in the things that do,” said the president. “The penny, I think, ends up being a good metaphor for some of the larger problems we got.”

周华 发表于 2013-3-11 23:07:17


coolboy 发表于 2013-3-12 00:57:40

原帖由 周华 于 2013-3-11 23:07 发表



自然界空气中有不少悬浮的小颗粒,如尘埃、海盐晶粒等,称作“气溶胶”。一些亲水性的气溶胶可用作“凝结核”,即方便吸收水汽或让水汽在凝结核的表面很快地形成小水滴。有了这些小水滴之后,下一步就是上面所说的“继续吸收空气中的水汽或小(中)水滴之间相互碰撞合并就慢慢地变成大水滴,...... 。”


coolboy 发表于 2013-3-15 09:10:13

下面的一个帖子中说到有关两个大学名称的英文翻译感到“别扭”或不通顺。一个是把“西安翻译学院”翻译成Xi’An Fanyi University。另一个则是把“北京航空航天大学”(北航)翻译成Beihang University。都出现在大学的官方网页上。



英语中的一个单词,若其含义并不出现在通常的英语词典中,且之中的每个字母又不是通通大写了,则该单词通常是指地名、人名等含义。这地名中有少数是比较有名的,如北京,南京,西安,上海,纽约,伦敦,等等。大多数地名是没什么名气的,例如很少人会知道“番义”,“杯杭”,或其它类似的小城、小县或小社区等等的地名。这么一来的话,就针对Xi’An Fanyi University同Beihang University,若不对其作沉繁的额外解释,则其自然含义就应该是两个坐落在不知名地区的社区大学(community college)。Xi’An Fanyi University看来是在西安市的一个叫“番义”区的社区大学,而Beihang University则可能是在中国一个叫“杯杭”县或“杯杭”市的社区大学。


[ 本帖最后由 coolboy 于 2013-3-15 19:53 编辑 ]

周华 发表于 2013-3-15 21:30:10


coolboy 发表于 2013-3-17 08:34:35

原帖由 周华 于 2013-3-15 21:30 发表
我在的解释中用到了“社区大学(community college)”这一词。那么什么是“社区大学(community college)”呢?还是让我来用一个实例说明。

几年前在美国的杜克大学发生了一起不少中国留学生考试集体舞弊的丑闻,有约二十名中国留学生同时受到处分。其中有八人被开除,五人停学一年,六人需重修该课程。我对这件事发了一个评论,中间就用到了“社区大学(community college)”这个词:

A story about Harvard University library


Duke University is one of the best universities in USA (top 10). However, I believe now that it is also a general consensus in many other universities in USA that cheating in school exams/tests is not a good behavior and should receive severe punishments. A few months ago, I leant that a friend’s son was studying in a local community college. I felt very strange because I knew he was accepted by a state university about two years ago. That state university is ranked within top 50 or so in USA and is far better than the local community college he was in. Then, I was told that he was expelled last year from that state university because he cheated in an exam. He had to start his college life over again from this local community college.




hawking2006 发表于 2013-4-14 11:26:58

回复 8# 周华 的帖子


coolboy 发表于 2013-5-14 20:02:40

原帖由 hawking2006 于 2013-4-14 11:26 发表


coolboy 发表于 2013-5-16 21:06:46

Like Barley Bending

By Sara Teasdale

Like Barley Bending
In low fields by the sea
Singing in hard wind

Like Barley Bending
And rising again
So would I,unbroken
Rise from pain

So would I softly
Day long,night long
Change my sorrow
Into a song



Coolboy (2013-05-13):



Do not stand at my grave and weep

Mary Elizabeth Frye

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.




coolboy 发表于 2013-7-18 00:03:51

Encounter with a member of Communist Party USA

One day in 1980s, I stopped by a used bookstore nearby a university and found a section full of communism books. I was interested and excited about those books because many of the book titles looked very familiar to me. I pulled out a book and started briefly reading it. Then, a young lady approached me and asked me whether I came from People’s Republic of China or not. I said “Yes”. She then told me that China now had become a revisionism country. She happened to be a member of Communist Party USA. “Deng, Xiaoping was a traitor to the communism movement. Jiang, Qing was Chairman Mao’s good student and she was the loyal follower of Chairman Mao and communism,...” she said. I told her that I lived all my life in China and knew much better than her about China. I said I thanked Deng for him to start economic reform in China and I also thanked Deng for him to give me an opportunity to enter the college and finally also to come to USA. China and Chinese people were certainly much better than before as I could recall when Mao was in power. We had a long and friendly conversation about communism movement. When I left, I bought the following books from her bookstore and these books are still on my bookshelves today:

* “Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels”, edited by Lewis S. Feuer, published by Anchor Books, 1959, 497 pages.

* “Karl Marx – His Life and Thought”, by David McLellan, published by Harper Colophon Books, 1977, 498 pages.

* “Critique of the Gotha Programme”, by Karl Marx, with Appendices by Marx, Engels, and Lenin

* “The Poverty of Philosophy”, by Karl Marx, with an Introduction by Frederick Engels

* “Wage-Labour and Capital Value, Price and Profit”, by Karl Marx

* “Imperialism – The Highest Stage of Capitalism”, by V. I. Lenin


Of course, I also bought the well-known, or at least well-known to Chinese people, little red book from the same bookstore:

* “Quotations From Chairman Mao Tsetung”, Published by Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1976, 312 pages.

Many paragraphs in the little red book look so familiar to me even today. The first two paragraphs read:

The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party. The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.
- Opening address at the First Session of the First National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China (September 15, 1954).

If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party. Without a revolutionary party, without a party built on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and in the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary style, it is impossible to lead the working class and the broad masses of the people in defeating imperialism and its running dogs.
- "Revolutionary Forces of the World Unite, Fight Against Imperialist Aggression!" (November 1948), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 284.

coolboy 发表于 2013-8-12 21:24:15

Monday, August 12, 2013: Chinese Valentine's Day (七夕)

I still remember when I was very young as a little boy I read the story about the cowherd and weaving maid twice. The first time was a book about children’s stories where it said that every year on this Qixi (七夕) day, all the peacocks in the world will fly to the Milky Way to form a bridge by using their wings to allow the cowherd and weaving maid to meet each other on this day. The second time was a popular science book in which Milky Way was introduced scientifically and the author also made a rough calculation of how many peacocks and birds needed in order to form a bridge across the Milky Way. It was a very big number. At the time, I felt that the second book was not only interesting but also more reasonable than the first one, which was the partial reason that led me to be a scientist. :)

通流 发表于 2013-8-22 23:54:42

回复 13# coolboy 的帖子

coolboy 很有眼光啊。目前的领导就很崇拜毛主席。甚至有传言,要出新版的毛主席语录。不过另一位宣传毛主席的又正站在被告席上。
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